The Marvels of Photosynthesis

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You have entered the educational domain of  Maximillian Jackson, Amnwar Williams, Nathan Nicholson, Cameron Brown and Kevin Gilmore.



On this website you will learn about photosynthesis and all the minor chemical reactions to complete it. This is a brief overview of this. Photosynthesis takes place inside a plant cell, inside a organelle called the chloroplast then inside the chloroplast in a smaller object called the thylakiod. First, light energy enters a protien called photosystem II and energizes the  Hydrogen elctrons inside. Then, these charged electrons move along a series of proteins called the electron transport chain, where much of their energy is lost transporting protons across the thylakoid membrane. However, these electrons are reenergized when light energy is absorbed by photosystem I, where the electrons are then enter another transport chain until they combine with a proyons NADP+ to form NADPH, which will be used in the Calvin cycle.
At the same time, an enzyme called ATP synthase uses the energy from the concentration grandient of hte protons inside the thylakoid to form ATP by adding a phosphate group to ADP thus converted the potential energy of the protons to chemical energy in ATP.
The final part of photosynthesis is the Calvin cycle. In the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide molecules fuse with a 5-carbon compound called RuBP to form a 3 six-compound. These then split into PGA. Then 6 ATPs energized the PGA and 6 NADPHs energize the PGA further to form PGAL. Finally 1 of the PGALs leave the thylakoid and enter the cytosol and combine with another PGAL to form glucose.

We are one the numerous groups creating websites to explain photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Hopefully, you'll actually learn something.  


Light reactions

As mentioned earlier the light reactions (figured above) Are responsible for producing the NADPH and ATP needed in the Calvin cycle (dark reactions)


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