The Marvels of Photosynthesis

Conversion of Light Energy to Chemical Energy
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After light has been absorbed by pigments it has to be turned into chemical energy which is stored in ATP(adenosine triphosphate)and NADPH( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). During this process chlorophyll are grouped in clusters called photosystems.The two different photosystems involved in photosynthesis are Photosystem I and Photosystem II. These are the five major steps of the light reactions.
1.Light energy raises the electrons found in chlorophyll a to a higher en ergy level.  The electrons then leave the chlorophyll a molecules and since chlorophyll a lost it is called and oxidation reaction.
2.The electrons lost from chlorophyll a are accepted in a part of the thylakoid membrane called the primary electron acceptor.
3.The primary electron acceptor donates electrons to the electron transport train.It is called the electron transport chain because it transports electrons from one molecule to the next. When the molecules are moved they lose energy and are used too move protons(H+) into the thylakoid.
4.Light is absorbed by photosystem I. Electrons move from chlorophyll a molecues in photosystem I to another primary electron acceptor.  These electrons are replaced by electrons from photosystem II.
The primary electron acceptor of photosystem I donates electrons to a different electron transport chain. This chain brings electrons to the side of the electron by the stroma.
5.Electrons combine with a proton and NADP+. As a result NADP+ is reduced to NADPH


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