The Marvels of Photosynthesis

Light Reactions
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This page will take you further in depth on the light reactions.

In the biosphere there are two types of organisms, there are autotrophs which are organisms that makes their own food and heterotrophs which are organisms that eats other organisms to obtain energy.
Most autotrophs use energy from the sun and organic compounds to make energy through the process called photosynthesis.Without autotrophs life is impossible on earth.
This is so because all energy is passed through autrotrophs.Energy starts at the sun and is absorbed by autotrophs.  Then heterotrophs come along and eat autotrophs such as plants and they absorb all the energy from the autotroph.  Then when the heterotroph dies it becomes of a part of soil and its energy is passed right back to autotrophs and the process starts again. A perfect example of this is the food chain.


In the first stage of photosynthesis called the light reactions, light is absorbed in the chloroplast of the plant cells. Located in the chloroplast are smaller organelles called thylakoids.  Located in the membrane of thylakoids are pigments(compounds that absorb light) called called chlorophylls.There are many types of chlorophylls but the two main types are chlorophyll a and b.  Chlorophyll A is the major light absorber and chlorpohyll b and carotenoids assist in capturing light.  They are referred to as accessory pigments.
Fun Fact:Plants get there green colors because the pigments in plants absorb all of the colors of the light spectrum except green and as a result green is reflected and the plant appears to be green.

Click on The Converting of Light Energy to Chemical Energy at the top to move on.